There are No Pseuds - flash n-rationalism by Ariel Riveros

There are no pseuds. There's sorcerers, brick throwers, chaos dragons, concepts as object-material. All picking up Schrödinger's lobsters* as next level weapons

Non determined polynominal time is running out. The halting problem is a Markov chukjibeop to heal trauma. That's my POW from the future handcuffs sliding escaped from because the pendulum paraphysiology space of a past slipped from is peppered with capsicum spray. Primordial electric conductor sperm slime from medieval wizard Thomas Vaughan. I am everyone that's ever lived. All All Aeon including myself. Even the dust from a falling star. Which on nearing was meteorite. 

I have picked up these patches as metadata circuitry. Nice hairstyling. Did data ever happen? 

A torch is flashed near you. You've outprousted yourself like a Boltzmann's brain. The Oracle says I may know enough to avoid millionaires including wannabes who died like that telling me about Lilliput telling me what I think about most. Which is the hyperphysics of opacities. And learning how to say "I know everything" but in Vulgate Latin. 

Sensemayá: haruspex for snakes.  Recurrence of half your age times two. Dividuate. Chain.

*May well you ask

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