Unrecovery: Mad Economics and the Neo Survey Monkeys

I'm unsure what Ron Coleman meant to encapsulate by his notion of The Mad Economy.

It looked like the hustle of self-employment. Having experience as a sole trader: arts event organiser, academic coach and publisher I've had a few years of experience.

My current worry is consumer research groups that exploit consumers for their stories of psychosis with no pay, no fair exchange of value. Platform money-makers including freelancers in highly casualised ways. And you can have your name ascribed to their enterprising publication, if you want.

Another form of exploitation. The promise of media exposure for THE story. Rank opportunism cannibalising from the consumer world. 

Mad economics includes unemployment. I haven't seen any pop economics ascribing what the Mad Economy is.

I've seen the vexing issue in other bite sized pieces. Peer work and training as exploitation of peers. Peer work dependant on the emotion labour of the consumer. The co-option of intentional peer support in Public Health. As I'd been told by Dr K Bateman - the Peer Work Force does not include non compliance in its ethos. Intentional Peer Support? Not in government.

If anyone employed in health provision with living experience can't officially discuss affirmative non compliance - just a basic part of their official role - then co-option has occurred.

The increase of mental health surveys from funded organisations seems to ascribe a background of Government funding. Ergo compliance and the infantilising ukelele strains of wellbeing culture and marketing. Confection recovery - Dr Bateman at least agreed with me on that.

So its been archaeologised that an increase of rigour has occurred in the living experience community. My thing is - like how long has this been going on really?   Perhaps the rigour as we understand contemporarily started in the 1960s with the birth of antipsychiatry in the UK with RD Laing and psychiatric ward patient unionism and in the Continent with Deleuze and Guattari, the radicalism of SPK and their alliance with the Baader Meinhoff Gang, and with the scholarly works of Thomas Szasz. Perhaps too women who underwent psychoanalysis and became critical practitioners. Lou Salome and her whip being one, Sabine Spielrein and the movie. Any peer work curricula that espouses only self-advocacy is part of the atomisation inherent in neoconservatism

Vite Vite Vite.

Increased government funding. Peer worker wages and career path limited. Consumer experience exploited and institutional researchers in turn exploiting the living experience for what I will humbly assume is the continuation of the medical model for the moment. Will there be creation of intentional peer work positions, consumer research outside of the arch of the hospital, or the unrecovered and post medicated? Will there? That there is a plane of a Mad Economy.

I wouldn't know because the promotional arm of the public peer movement took nearly 20 years to reach me.

Liverpool Hospital NSW November 1996, round 2 am,  a loud eruption of "Killing in the Name of" by Rage Against the Machine, followed a discussion on Shamanism, becoming-transformations, the virtues of smoking, and Arthurian legend. Those people were doing the rigorous research then. Libra Solidi Dinari and wishy washy fairy tale recoveries. It's a Fabianist waiting project in a world entering acceleration in a few stratas. The inexact community health science of psychiatry imploding.

Independent research is important because it's going to be somewhat not under the strictures of State funding criteria, especially from the current reins of the neoconservatives and normative decisional economics. 

"...40 years in a posited future after florid psychosis itself is depathologised. In businesslike approach.

Ya wanna talk about mental health, in the work industry? You get it straight. Cosmological delusion = panoramic manifold transformational scope"

to the state workers therefore - #yourlagisnotmyillness

And I raise a metaphorical 2 litre bottle of coke, smoke, sporting me new track suit pants, and cheers you.

[Addendum: homo economicus as ascribed in economics is basically purviewed through behaviour al and decisional theory. *Normative*. Employment assistance deal in the *normative economy*. On local Australian demographics - the most challenged section of the disability employment demographic are the mentally ill. I am told by an Australian Disability Enterprise agent that the most successful model for mental ill demographic employment is The Netherlands. To reiterate, these are necessarily normative terms for normative framed economics]

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