Stories of Synchronicity and Found Objects

 A bit after I'd stopped pharmaceutical treatment I started experiencing synchronicities.

Or coincidences plus reading into it. What is time without reference though?

I was awaiting a return of someone who was holidaying in the tropics. I found RM Ballantyne's Coral Island on Cook Street Marrickville, on a pillow, faced down.

15 minutes later that someone texted me saying their holiday had given them much pause to reflect.

 Speaking of Lorenz and the Butterfly

During a research project I was talking on the phone
with a colleague.

We started talking about the double scroll, Lorenz
attractors and just as I was about to talk pop on the
Butterfly Effect a butterfly flew into view.

I'd told my colleague. They said they'd just sent it to me.
Sweet gift.
At a workplace I was doing archiving. I found William Faulkner and their double.

I've never read his works.

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