Unrecovery: Example of Truth Procedure

I went through a bad spike last night. it lasted for about a minute. I wrote down the experience in a couple of paragraphs.my gambit is that if I name it as objectively as I can and sit through it that i will adapt to it.

perhaps the truth procedure collapses these states and works a type of slow plasticity. an objective phenomenology, a formal imperative

fearful perception

i could interocept voices but they weren't clear. they were not even muffled but muted. unsonic like kate bush's song sat in your lap. but they as signification they were clear signifieds (generative of sententiousness, sense) but unclear signifiers.

the ambiguity gave me pause. a clearer more assuring interocepted voice asked "what was that?"

the assuring interocepted heard voice was a reflective principle. soft unmenacing and empirical.

then I tried to gauge from a third position, the topology of these two voices. I thought of a geometry and then introduced time.

my emotional state was fearful because I perceived a spindly part of my brain was being used which was prickly. prickly sense and uncertainty.

naming the interoceptive phenomenology helped very much.

the prickly perception of brain is akin to 1996 psychosis in most detached clinical emergency.

sitting with this and relating it in writing I feel will do me well. my internal hormonal autonomic system is having small waves of panic. i am back in my breath. it's better at this instance.

[reflection just after the fearful perception]

such insight and perspective
interoception and proprioceptive stability
is rare, but more common. I am brave.
the self-declamatoriness though is twee
but if I shared this 
people would be triggered
and their responses would be negative
to themselves or projected on to me.
this is phenomenology.

this is capped as topology inclusive of duration, temporality
"my spike"

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