Semi-completed Walk

on returning back from a midnight 711 run and getting snacks, cigarettes and a coke for my owl-flatmate I did some walk-thinking. it wasn't that amazing.

going over my mind resolving some interpersonal conflicting by an internal staged dialogue. I then thought that was stewing over the past.

an unwilled quiet descended over my internal historical revisioning theatre. All preparation for past spirits-of-the-stairs to be vanquished, were vanquished.

where the hell did that come from? a physicist friend of mine knows I have a bias for the pre-operative in any examination. and here is the dark precursor.

I then envisioned getting home and giving my flatmate their coke. I got home and did what I envisioned a few minutes prior. He did a double take he wasn't in on.

the precursor, when framed as a preparation, aims for resolution.

How many precursor spirit-killings and how many forward preparations are in the queue waiting to be connected, enacted, actualised, signed-off?

and I bet the ones way back that I've forgotten are in the deep layer of some ocean bed described in some paperback I've not read made into a movie I've not seen and thus unable to give any detail except there were never any second editions or remakes.

the plane of emergence comes as an image sound and smell location but no time except as image sound and smell location...a bubbling-over black tarpit at night smelling of some burnt earthly waste viewed aerially looking like a black butterfly surging or spider body sprawling.

the conjured book made into movie is now running in an non-conceptual part of my faculties as we speak - an undisplayed tab on energy saving mode. sleep when inactive.

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