Hot Cloud of Mercury C - from PhiloMedica project

i mentioned peer espionage narrative, made a big boss wince and surrender. i said art was amazing pedagogy made a chair of acronym quiet. walked at the three way meta st, paisley st and the strand. acknowledged by various levant level of curl and Greek that limen/numen, none of my concern, that the d&g 7th was complex by pop informal medical dogs gallow skeptics. differend chronodiscursive lags across state. both are right. Jackie Dent never met ran right into me on wrote on the proprioceptive dreamt. research was meant. yo yoda darth danny de vito clinical abandon, anideation… and – asthenie psychique. google translate no working in French
noun: asthenosphere
the upper layer of the earth’s mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur.
Da Costa’s syndrome [post war, soldier’s heart] is generally considered a physical manifestation of an anxiety disorder.[1][10] a disorder itself in the mid 70s
Aesthenosphere graph as aesthetic

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