Informal Theory: Metaludics

Ludibrium as perjorative gameplaying at rabbit hole levels, at epistemological derailment. This term was levied at Rosicrucianism and can be extended to gnosticism most especially modern marketed seminar versions. Any intricacies that are neither consistent or of any boon to ambient affect even if highly selfreferential to point of idiolect, which I maintain is always public and disentanglable via autoethnographic truth process, (as contrast to medical theory positing schizoid language as other, or distinctly out of human signification systems), can be found as ludibrium.

In the more social use of the word, ludibrium should be given some latitude of non perjorative, as more heavy going of any derail into asocial spaces holding danger or bad encounters from the medical treatment we know on a population basis has no claim to neoliberal health marketing hope champion and inspiration statements. Thoroughly dystopian.

Independent academia in its same sex tango with schizophrenia throws a cute fune of the ludic as practical. Practical schizophrenia. That's Reza Negarestani. I like that this has been done. Obviously I'll never afford it and I don't want it exactly for the gaming via money. And it leads to the dystopic neoliberal language neowhorfianism. Desirable as it is, wishing all success, I have my own writings and medico legal mojo to work. This is why I term my writing of theory informal. Not just personal but from industry pov, extimate. From a social view, informal and personal. I'll mention the clinic obviously and vividly. That something the unified exospheric schizo derived (ie inclusive clinical) academic doesn't do. Symptomatic that whatever dynamic of just-representation, you can't say I am schizo, in that pride context. If HR ever get there re not only practicalising but occupationalising everyday madness, then the exospheric unified schizo and the clinical schizo as such may, as subsumed by HR, spell the end of any historicist project entangling capitalism and schizophrenia. Whether that entails postcapitalist futures is positable. Will any subsumption of  schizophrenia into capital in a frankfurtian take really transform capital, or our current arguably postcapitalist condition?

A space of clear anticapitalism, antipsychiatry, antipsychology (bar attitidunalism which is not their sole propriety, and counseling for other peeps) for personal industrial worlds. Professional card player or compulsed gambling as immersed relationality producing a mining of fools combinatoric pyrites, alchemy thus, a failed presumption of machine specific chaos, the process in action reaching non-local relationality and machines in such an impacting arc. Siphoning, withering lives outside of its locus of practice.

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