Static - poem by Magdalena Williams

I feel my whole body is greying

I surround myself with colourful chaos

I paint my walls in intensity

But I can't finish

I fear the closing in of my true nature

And if the job is done

The path will close

And out must come 

the machetes once again.

I am tired

I am greying

There is far too much noise

I replace it with 

voiceless rhythm to find peace.

The layers of my dreams 

spike at random 

Not so unexpected 

the anxious rise from the heart

There is never enough space 

so I enclose myself in 

an ever smaller world

There is too much for you to see

But here in my cocoon all is quiet.

Magdalena Williams is a Melbourne-based  writer of lyrics and poetry. She is a multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter and spoken word artist. She is also a teacher, parent and activist. 

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