Mental Time Traveller (MTT)
Chronesthesia aka Mental Time Travel (MTT) a capacity I have after a secondary multidisciplinary treatment for my primary medical treatment. A good thing. Cultivating it as suggested by academic colleagues. Looking for an MTT binaural frequency, for one

Chronosthesia aka mental time traveling (MTT) cognitive science and Bergsonian Deleuzian conics. I came to have this capacity due to multidisciplinary treatment for my diagnosed condition.
It goes to the past but it may go forward too. It goes back to my pre-medicated senses as the identifying major differentiation.
Mental Time Travel sounds better than mental illness for the demedicalisation and resubjectivation.
It is not simply recollection of narrative image and association of the faculty of pure memory. It is the experiencing, the being-in, the full phenomenological sensory array of the past. It is perceptually regulated by a cognition that you are still your own physical age. Thus a bi-chronoceptive state in the least. Two timelines. I intuit it's acts as a positive side effect towards medical treatment as a retrosynthesis.
Pop translations. I like my term tychonaut. Like time, tech, tycho brahe and Tychonoff - known for mathematical works including spaces, ill-posed problems and axiom of separation.