Hyper-Earther by Ariel Riveros
Demedicalisation of hyperphenomenology vs NSW Health Community Treatment Order #5.
The professorial nurses talk of prodromology and precipitation of mad semiology. I am going for geohacking climate modelling. All arrays, functionable, rotatable, reassemblable, extractive and mostly derivatable etc. I'm a horse falling in the downpour. Terraforming the body of the hyper-earth of the future. Geopunk.
The flesh is only the thermometer of becoming -- Deleuze. I'm heavy, heated thermometer already. Another planet surface hotter than earth. Very alien for the alienist. Universal stranger disjunction or terrestrial biome condition mismatch. Approaching Poincare's Many Body Problem. Horse, rain, earth, writer, Mercury, Venus, alien, part indigenous, good european in Australia. Diplomat, Tychonaut.
The little pill is the space and rainsuit. An emergence ultimately leads to state-planet *referentialism. That's the only word I need to know the full sense of to ward off interception to the Ward Christmas party.