CTO no. 5 in a State of Exception by Ariel Riveros
What I have done
1. Cartography of my prodromology
2. Topology of my hyperphenomenology
(high functioning or hypersensory)
3. Create ensuing flows of stability (lyapunov/Jacobi) and hyperstability of sensory systems
4. Metacognition to the point of cancelled state-appointed psychologist. Gestalt parts and wholes multistability.
5. Plotting points of ward experience. Retrospection of State Health Policing and Intervention. The risk statistical management as speculative complex of projected conflicts.
6. A retrocausal thesis that if the topological complexity is of a scale that comprehending would make me *hypercognitive* to this system also in a retrocausal sense. Transformative agency ensues transcending systems bound hypercognition unless we talk of hyperphenomenology and have you accept and establish that.
This was why I was asked to work as a peer worker. In a lateral sense my impact would systemically be potent. But the system sucks. and how cynical. I would have to study a year and get paid like the lowest of the working poor. Yay hypercognition and this whole sour Markov gamey semantic.
Took my quarter of a century to traverse my psychosis in the first person. Now to defeat the chance estate of sleep, up till death.