Flash Fiction: Intervenience

Hypothesis: Every perception has a memory. All somatosense including novelty metamorph, has memory. Sense has memory. Time is just full sense-memory. 

I went into detailed memory and full sensory perceptive array of my very first psych intake. Full Proust. Down to the moment my father who was taking me to the gp said "come on old soldier" one of the two camarada things he ever said to me. The incline of the road. Sun in my eyes, arm around my shoulder, black and green shorts I was wearing. The feel of my leg muscles. How I used to call that feel my blooms. Slight wheezing like cat. (The cat offshots ahead of me to a week later me as crystalline cat with pointy legs. A cambodian inpatient who kept saying "the pussycat is the dragon, the dragon is the pussycat." And later research after looked into cats as mad contagion factor)

The heat on my body meld with heat of emotion as twinning. The spheres of anxiety of I don't understand so love is denied. The heat and empathic transfer bistabilising plenipotentiary.

My opening words to Dr K of Mount Pritchard 1996 were "what is a number?"

But in this version Dr K is more Russellian in his response "a number is an internally consistent symbol of quanta" and I'm relieved but sweating buckets and crying and mucus flow. I am beginning catch my breath again now and back then. Attending with myself. Including the maddening lead up of those family home book days prior to the intaglio of "inappropriate affect" but totally appropriate keeping in mind trauma. 

So I ask this one younger self and I bring my 80s and 1993 me "what should I do?" They say "keep hearing out."

Hypothesis cont: 

Memory is in past time. Memory of myself is third person, the present for me is in first person. All past memory myself at every moment metric can multistabilise with every other past memory of myself and me in the present.  Chronesthesia occurs

personally I have my fave times. 80s, 1993, fin de siècle. But no predeliction for any time of the whole day

Image: pseudoforest 

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