Peerless — mad & mh spitting by Ariel Riveros

I gained 17 kilograms this year because drs don't listen. Now that when I see the much vaunted Mental Health, which I've been in 20+ years and which no one including people in mh or mad activism can tell me shit about either except those who've attained singular direct state and ministerial experience and are not vacuuming the tit of cult psychoeducation and wellbeing start up CEO level viral hopes and cannibal affinity marketing by asking for story or endless sociological freebie research grifting - I have not escaped but I bully the drs back. Not many can do that in the clinic. And all the CrossFit health and beauty types who circuit jerk themselves off with pastel web designed wisdom of nations re mh, don't try it on me. I know grappling and ko. Keep to your technical college corporate suburban path. There are dedicated organisations run by those with direct lived experience which is ok and the rest of the lumps should know about. Good on them. But they can't tell me shit either, no one. And they must muster their own careers by excluding commies or something. There are individuals who do the work of entire organisations. That ain't me cos the white demographic reticular activation system of attention is fully focussed on their own phenotype like a punched in the head deer in the headlights. And then I can't argue the spiritual new ager whatever they say because the medicinal affect has been kind to them. It's all about atomistic ethics but never about molecular. And then like everywhere the rich kid who slummed it in ghetto punk oedipus. Rock on but no mutualism please. 

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