Bumping to CTO 5 at the KG V by Ariel Riveros Author-bot

 My dr shrink who I call mister stopped asking me about my heard voices because his private school motto. What do you with your time? He asks. He wants lifestyle tips. When he's ready to wrap up he twists his wrists and wraps his hand around with his fingers interlocked all between his legs as he's in a lazed position on a swivel chair transforming to a chaise-longe. He looks ready to stim too but he doesn't. His weird crotch body language must've been noted by nurse manager but I wasn't in the transcendental field of who's checking who checking what out. Not for too long anyways to work up a cheeky low volume slice of a chortle. They been 11 years minimum as chief academic professor in the transcendental field so this relaxed yet convoluted dynamic posture could be a masterpiece of HR interview heavying signal from the xenotope drifting. The cancelled underlings of physios and dieticians already asking me too many questions about nootroopics and hippy cum kgb gymnast level adaptagens. I flex. The ministerial staff have been pinged for a fifth state enforcement order. I'm transcendental. Bring it on & I don't care plus I don't mind and this works two ways bitches. Now he's asking what I'm reading! Asshole. I should have said Hegel. Fuck. I said constrained and forced Lagrangian oscillation. He started using my word oscillation! The court ministerial date is fifth coming up. Me and fb and the rest are not scared. Then he asked about my little friend in the pocket wave. He asked who's the researcher I told him to check it and have a data explosion! They keep taking and taking from me. Mr drshrink better bacon the tech. I'll know next appointment by the slip of a kerchief professorial ataraxic private school motto condescension. Dumb meta power posture signals his childhood precociousness. I shall bring a straw boater hat to the next and punch a hole in the top if he gets in the multiambiguous international grammar androgyne skip rope hyperphysioplastic moot pointing Louis postuere.


The third degree
Of the verdigris
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