Talking to the Psychiatrist About Poetry

The title of this entry is a homage to poet Mayakovsky.

In this recollection I will try today's best in summonsing the philosophical points that led to what I hope to portray as panic from staff indicative of solid challenge to psychiatrists whilst in treatment

In a past post (The Political Economy of My Last Intake) I discussed the Sunday level of intake assessment that doesn't match the medicolegal standards of the rest of the week.

I kept my position to assessing psychiatrists that my condition was insomnia and physiological exhaustion. The treatment schedule was Lithium and Zyprexa along with Nicotine Replace Therapy. My intake was not predicated by any disinhibition or thought disorder. This should be apparent in the dialogues I will sketch out here.

On discussing my Hx I made reference to my current self care format that led to general stability and that running out of melatonin was what I identified as a leading contributor to my insomnia. I expressed clear reticence on taking the polypharmacy as it has itself been injurious and contributed to my cardiometabolic syndrome risks. I adduced that the pharmaceutical treatment, which is the end of the line of all the medications I've been "shotgunned" treated with, was a mega weight gainer.

As I'd been refused Zyprexa as sedative at intake, just a sheet to see me over till my melatonin delivery I thus gauged treatment risk as greater than my self care.

In the 18 or so days I was in treatment I gained to 10 kilograms or approximately 20 pounds. That's enough to establish my point a posteriori. No mention of personal experience phenomenology just for all those biostatistical based quacks out there. In my 20 plus years of shotgun treatment

This point is basic and therefore foundational.

In the ensuing conversation Dr then expressed that he was aware of deconstruction and its critiques. I countered in my most contemporaneous knowledge that the diagnostic, without even referring to its disjunctive application as set out by Prof John Read, is lacking socio-economic dimension. I posited the Badiousian notion of the Predicament, as outlined by Prof Dr Vincenzo di Nicola offered a more multifarious and faithful medical representation in toto.

Treating doctor, citing that he'd been in discussion with Dr Peter Breggin, who I did not reference, and called my position reductionist. Unfortunately this showed the treating doctor was not aware of more contemporaneous philosophical approaches beyond deconstruction or Foucauldian inspired antipsychiatry.

I have a memory of prior intake of a young officer approaching me and wanting to co-author a paper on distinct schizophreniform language. I do not borrow from Deleuze's politics because I do not require the schizophrenisation in the philosophical sense because clinically I'm already there.

Then I said to having the Predicament thesis labelled as reductionist that he was thoroughly essentialising my position. I knew he was faking it. The philosophical entreaty ended there. Im guessing treating doctor did a quick check on predicament thesis. The following sessions reduced drastically and had an air of rush and tinge of perceivable panic on treating doctor side.

After we reached the classical aporia I approached the doctor who was taking notes. I asked her if she'd endorse me as a medical officer. She said yes without hesitation.

I aint even done my entry exam so signs among one medical peer are promising! heheh I've kept her name for future contact.


I wanted to leave and I was considering using my Chilean identification to do so. The team sent a locum psychiatrist to survey. She asked me what my diagnosis was. I told her I have two. schizoaffective and bipolar. They asked what I thought of that. I told the locum in a flippant way that these diagnoses at some level are interchangeable. I was aiming to annoy. I was sick of being held with Sunday undue process.


I take glee in explaining the penultimate meeting with the treating staff. This time they opened up the session with a nurse and a social worker. I thought it a good sign.

I thought it good sign except there was a conspicous out-of-office designed chair slap bang in the middle looking all gestalty incongruent. Wow, the treating psychiatrist employed the empty chair. I kept very economic and business like. I want out. The doctor wouldve garnered the empty out of office and garish chair wasnt eliciting today's aria from Tristan and Isolde or something. Meeting was closed quick and the allied staff looked at each other quizzically.

I am sorry to have wasted your time as you have wasted mine.

The last session is described in the link above mentioned. Petty medical ethical argumentation placing the debt on me - as if I wanted or needed your Sunday-business-driven services ultimately.

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