Once Sub-mariner by Ariel Riveros

A concept I like from poststructuralism is the floating signifier but what if it could move underwater?

Deleuze has a concept of signifiance of a complex or distant message taking time to find reception. This could be a submarine voyage of many signals changing meaning through the streams and currents at oceanic ranges.

Bergsonian time deterritorialises the ocean in fiction as a ping wave for the conic sonar of the schizoid deep diver. 

A latency to this thesis is that fluidity of language molecularity reassemblages generates new topologies of the sign and this freedom constructs a multisemiotic plane of language that each topological semiotic regime as singularity may connect or remain discretely outside, virtual to, language. This may relay to how math has a referential independence of word language and how as seamonster vociferation clamours as wave into word language with its own incomplete chasm of machinic internal consistency. A sea wreck of poetry as poetry with its ghostly chronology and narrative eroded into its hull, is the reified deus ex machina of the machine as art and conceptual motion in time. The ocean in poetry so that joy and aesthetic is based.

Clean eaten skeletons strewn.

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