Gut Feeling - a flash autotheory-fiction

My stomach leads construction of the extended biome. Upset with cardiometabolic syndrome I follow the swells and throbs of intestinal movement to its resulting extensive stability. My muttered repetiteur to the voice took silence as telos in a functional nth derivative for the congruent smooth space genesis.

The silver of the taps and handles brightened to a analog clinical layer of colour. The white of the walls, bestowing breathing space and the ocular sequence of chronesthesia is in stopped cascade. Night blue, copper orange, mint green, bourgougne, black, analog screen white and silver. The construction of a static machine whose eyes smile like fish lure you can have. 

A kinkily convoluted tubule and fractal for the intoxicating jet stream of smooth dynamic space, and the consuming caput capture of the grid and thing. And property.


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