Solar Airport: Telluria by Ariel Riveros

The history of the origin of metrics I've never thought of. Maths is a punching bag of people sometimes when it gets metaaxiomatics (oraxioms?) about the constructed nature of integers. Time is fake like mcduh graduate to Einstein don't forget Bergson studies but ok

Being a stage magician all the time would be best for our individualist world of getting food. If you have various identity forms, from the person in front of you, like me, I see one person ingesting. I am guessing though the field of identity forms have differential perspectives on this. Extended guessing: maybe the elements in food are digested differential too, to differential organ interfaces *having differential distribution of identity forms

The waking up just prior to phone calls (appropriate synchrony) is cute because either there maybe a device discrete wave rousing my circadian samba or my intuition incorporates my circadian rhythms and supporting autonomic nervous system and that must as a reformat of classical intuition, like Kant's. The latter thesis goes towards a reformating of this homo sapiens. 

Developing starhood as such is a process of attunement most definitely. The collective is more an affinity and types of affinity non?

This starhood is still individualist even if feministic, archetypal, collective. Maybe the fail is not yours but that a starhood is universal. Your being, in the Schrodinger's sense, is a phase molecularity of universe. 

Magic also is constructed. Cultural constructivities, ethnomathematics, including approaches thereof (non Kantian) magics, medicines and the most familiar one, cultural building constructions but that's all been democratised standardised in the globalised world. Somewhere the differentiation ends. Money or something like agreed best standards, in this world at least.

La maja thelemica dio una teorema del Sol a la tierra a la semilla y el esfuerzo humano y animal de la siembra a comer luz. Alimentar el cuerpo entero de luz. Forma solar. Ser luminoso. Tal vez, desde el Sol, los musculos, el hogar, herramientas hasta dinero y entrecambios, todo es transitos de luz. El filosofo Bataille dice que tenemos una deuda inmensa al sol, en su propio medievalez siglo XX. La deuda al sol en estos eslabones causal es en terminos de economia justa es el excesso de los ricos. Mucho Ricky mucho Rey y todo solar luisas catorzes. Se puede tomar el sol. Se revela codigos donde canta nada.

Sun worship though as lost post-scarcity futures. Light ingestion being food chain. The pre or anti capitalist glow of the solar body (and anus) or astral body of the cosmologists. Both dazzle.

Still this is body of earth territoire and the earth itself is primitive and savage in its mega processes and our bodies however arranged contribute to this planetary rage of Medea

Ameliorative solar machines or spectral rays to connect to ours as a body politic. On  a customised to universal level. 

I just figured out a thing! I have this shit ideation some times of knife my own eye hahaha just like that.

CBT gave me the "project the thought image on a screen in front of you" better than shanking the ocular. But now when all meat diet day (cos poor til Tuesday) I thought put some tartare sauce on the steaks. Something my father would do. His image came and he made home made tartare sauce, delish! And steak tartar. Poet pun. Then I remembered the dv at home when my folks threw crockery and shit at each other. I got the backing story now. 

Just prior

Song reminds of metal ethos bit like lands infantile exalt and exult. Church seer. 

Praise as overwhelm and take in as numinous capture. Timai basileusk. Am I freak to think why do people not riot after such performance.

The numinous is absorbed by sound waves including skin. It's a sufflation breath of life that people are still decent but go out there and burn an expensive car down with friends

Bioelectromagnetic paragraph:

Phase stellar solar consciousness or body. It's a Chinese whispers or line of abstract flight. Sometimes in advance: I think about, diy, or maybe I hear someone expressing these lines or axial rays, and rays are fuzzy values. I think you'd know. Fuite en avant. A collective, a socius, a collective of airports. Not airplanes, they merely the air of the expressions. The topological plane of stability is actually a planetary airport network. The aeroplane as such is a secondary plane of flight issuing from the airport plane of emergence. Catch an eyeful at an airshow. The exterior environment of the airport and aeroplane in flight are molecular universes. Flight paths are multiplicities (of [E: Delta Sigma Theta Kappa Delta Phi epsilon pi] Delta infinity or omega (psi Phi epsilon pi) infinity with exclamation mark factorial. Omega! < Omega. Omega! Is therefore inconsistent. Perhaps why plane crashes. Perhaps not)

Parting /

Blessing: may you be an infinite solar body of infinitesimal cellular starlight sparklings in a dark energy, acting as phase space and generating photonic temporal infinity, where no thing can touch you. Walk in the white hole exclusively and indifferent to the black hole. All of it as plain and plausible as English grey skies.

Image: my artwork from Callum Leckie 

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