
Showing posts from 2019

Formalising Disorganisation

Black Noise Theory

Mad Poetry and the normative affect bootstrap of grace

a moment - Grosz on Deleuze, Bergson and the concept of Life

christmas pop

alt conspiratio sapio

Noise Flower - poem by Ariel Riveros

Informal Autotheory I

Memoir: Folie à Deux

Informal Theory: Mad Poetry has no name

Informal Theory: "Game Intruding" schizo²

"And So I Close My Eyes" - poetry by Ariel Riveros

Prose: Hotel HealthFarm Mood

Informal C/S/X theory: Cogito and that's all folk.

Lazy Poem by Ariel Riveros

Theoretical Flash Fiction: Avant L'etre Postwork Worlder

Found Speech to Text: Supersymmetry as Ghetto

Flash Fiction: Comfort Food Headphones

Poetry: Summer is A-comin' In by Ariel Riveros

A Consumer Critique of a Medical Model by Ariel Riveros

CTO #3: Let's Slip Into Something More Comfortable

Informal Theory: Flaneur-bot Observations

Fact Checking When Hearing Voices "Ireland Was Blue"

Informal Theory: Forget Mad

Informal Theory: Temporal Retrosynthesis as maintenant

Poem: Situation on a Grand Final Weekend

Flash Fiction: Dwelling and Abode

Informal Theory: Pop Psychology and the profiled writes back

Diary: Sex and Heard Voices

Informal Theory: Demedicalisation-Resubjectivation and State Mental Health

Anagrams San Grama

Informal Theory: Australian poetry and the transcultural

Poem: A Gulp by Ariel Riveros

Slam Poem: Walking-with by Ariel Riveros

Symptomatext by Ariel Riveros

Promo: Visual art show Darkest Before Dawn at Artspace Sept 2019