Informal Theory: Mad Poetry has no name
I looked up a mad poet colleague archive. Publishing is disconcerting without theory. I understand that marketing is a central feature of not only publishing but online communicational even by individuals. The media screen and power.
Madness is not a category amenable to marketing. Itself a symptomatic of complexes [k a p i t a l], external to any internal locus of investigation, that marketing is embedded in. The eugenics of behavioural conformity to capital and marketing as one of its conceptual tools/agent. And now technology in its Promethean vector thoroughly inscribed with western eugenic codings. And now utilitarianism. We want symmetry. We want embossed identities. We want identities only to be about LGBTQ+. I have seen sex and gender intersectionalists try and coopt mad online forums. I hope now there's the delineation clarified further. Of course as junky conceptual geometry enthusiast I understand fluidity and overlap and superposition. You want to do category theory? Well, let's do category theory.
Madness can't take part in capital in the embossed sense of identity. Productivity, unproductive, antiproductive. Usually the colonised support network will proffer pastoral hope narratives entwined with asymmetric workplace buzzterms satirized online deservedly as "squad goals" The Protestant Work ethic pushing aristocratic nobility in just the mere act of muscular exertion to a molecularised mass of population muscular exertion as the only good as Thomas Carlyle pontificated. For your bit of communion wafer you get a long term money. Then the more suspicious of the noble exerters feel shortchanged and blame something else exterior to this cycle. Omg tax. Omg disabled mad person stealing my tax kill kill kill kill it with pseudoscience, kill it with awesome expertise in alternative meds or spiritual practice. Kill kill kill kill with eugenics. Disabled mad person faking it, I am very intelligent kill kill with behavioral sciences no proxy needed Kill kill kill with new thing dot ninja.
We see a zombie we kill it we make new zombie update.
Zombie only make zombie theory.
Mad poetics has no real name. Affect emo time now.
Now I've had a colleague describe my work as surreal. I strongly disagree. Ben Frater work was marketed I recall as surreal. Dali is surreal. As an artist informed by Freud and then free basing off that, with any imputation of madness captured by a magisterial and fazmo flair he was definitely paranoid, paranoid neurotic due to the eugenic high modernist master performatives and declamations.
I'm going to order his book 6am in the universe. I understand Frater was very applied in history of poetry. And the title suggests staying up all night thinking half way through a a famous Einstein paradox. To this extent I'll trust I'll find something of a consistency to this applied. Something not to be swept up totally as surrealism. The shark arm can be seen as schizoid fragmentation of the body beyond lacanian anthropics. I guessa ya gonna get I gonna call my favourite swarm and potato speaker Gilles Deleuze. A much closer theoretical framework here. But as always in Hilbert space marketing, no one can hear you scream but yes there's more.
Madness is not a category amenable to marketing. Itself a symptomatic of complexes [k a p i t a l], external to any internal locus of investigation, that marketing is embedded in. The eugenics of behavioural conformity to capital and marketing as one of its conceptual tools/agent. And now technology in its Promethean vector thoroughly inscribed with western eugenic codings. And now utilitarianism. We want symmetry. We want embossed identities. We want identities only to be about LGBTQ+. I have seen sex and gender intersectionalists try and coopt mad online forums. I hope now there's the delineation clarified further. Of course as junky conceptual geometry enthusiast I understand fluidity and overlap and superposition. You want to do category theory? Well, let's do category theory.
Madness can't take part in capital in the embossed sense of identity. Productivity, unproductive, antiproductive. Usually the colonised support network will proffer pastoral hope narratives entwined with asymmetric workplace buzzterms satirized online deservedly as "squad goals" The Protestant Work ethic pushing aristocratic nobility in just the mere act of muscular exertion to a molecularised mass of population muscular exertion as the only good as Thomas Carlyle pontificated. For your bit of communion wafer you get a long term money. Then the more suspicious of the noble exerters feel shortchanged and blame something else exterior to this cycle. Omg tax. Omg disabled mad person stealing my tax kill kill kill kill it with pseudoscience, kill it with awesome expertise in alternative meds or spiritual practice. Kill kill kill kill with eugenics. Disabled mad person faking it, I am very intelligent kill kill with behavioral sciences no proxy needed Kill kill kill with new thing dot ninja.
We see a zombie we kill it we make new zombie update.
Zombie only make zombie theory.
Mad poetics has no real name. Affect emo time now.
We got plenty excellent mad poets historical. All of them. Holderlin, Roethke, Sexton , artaud, Plath, Panero etc etc
Now I've had a colleague describe my work as surreal. I strongly disagree. Ben Frater work was marketed I recall as surreal. Dali is surreal. As an artist informed by Freud and then free basing off that, with any imputation of madness captured by a magisterial and fazmo flair he was definitely paranoid, paranoid neurotic due to the eugenic high modernist master performatives and declamations.
I'm going to order his book 6am in the universe. I understand Frater was very applied in history of poetry. And the title suggests staying up all night thinking half way through a a famous Einstein paradox. To this extent I'll trust I'll find something of a consistency to this applied. Something not to be swept up totally as surrealism. The shark arm can be seen as schizoid fragmentation of the body beyond lacanian anthropics. I guessa ya gonna get I gonna call my favourite swarm and potato speaker Gilles Deleuze. A much closer theoretical framework here. But as always in Hilbert space marketing, no one can hear you scream but yes there's more.