Informal C/S/X theory: Cogito and that's all folk.

should the cartesian cogito centrality be eliminated as a philosophical folk psychology? I think, ok dude that's enough. As well as the linguistic confusion, as well as the differentiations between the two utterances of I as well as I being an utterance and in no real way indicative of the prior of its utterance.

Is it a fair instrument though as a preface to treatment among other dualisms, monisms and non dualisms? Is the quantum level field investigations, experiments, in intervention compromised somehow in terms of the subject? Genetic counseling is not a part of this as its about new born life and is its own ethical dilemma but involving families which is so sweetly boring.

As a compromise so I can access built environment I propose that my unconscious is neither structured like a language, nor is an abstract machine, nor the folkish homonculus, but a conglomerate of all these things as a absurdist yet speculative pop philosophy. My unconscious is a fetus. Kind of like total recall baby emerging from the guys torso. And perhaps this melange allows for consistent human line. Some temporal two way tweaking.

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