Unrecovery: Dream, Translucidity and the Glass Man.

I've been working on articulating my multisensory dreaming that like many people are not just purely visual. I once dreamt I was reading words. I shouldve written the actual text I read in that dream. Hermeneutical dreaming.

A question of a writer's personal confidence considering community attitudes and simplistic dismissiveness that Ive received even from fellow consumers.

These are perceptions. Some people leap to the conclusion that I'll leap to belief in the truth of dream content. That aint me. Know that.

The pop term "lucid dreaming" came to me this morning. Ive made poetics in the past of dissolving the line between waking and sleeping life. Even though the popular term took a few days to get to me I consider myself generally lucid lol

The line between waking and dream is obviously semipermeable. This is a vertical line.

We remember dreams. Dreams remember us as we walk through their theatre and sensations. This is a two way horizontal line.

Im just a hobbyist at geometry. It's not really a standard 2d xy axis. That lucidity traverses across this unlikely graph is a translucidity.

How that works with the transparency in the "glass man" phenomena that I refer to sometimes in my work is today's wondering.

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