Unrecovery: Designer Insomnia, Chronobiopolitics and all that jazz

The Foucauldian notion of history as power.

The Baudrillardian notion of the hyperreal.

Both share notion of historical or ontological pre-operative dispositif. power or simulation.

Both thus have a type of engineering or enginality, design. Maybe architecture would denote too much aesthetic agency to power and simulation - for ontology.

If 9 to 5 is part of our constructed assemblage or hyperreal design then chronology our citizen time is too.

Stories of circadian rhythms that last for three days waking one day sleep? Cultural diversity of the day, historically. Chronobiodiversity. Chronos. Can we get another form of time in here? Aeon, Kairos, time as elastically perceived as Henri Bergson wrote. I'm sure there's others. I'm learning.

Bergsonian worlds. Day clubs and night clubs. Can I get a vibrant cafe culture at 4am in major international centre Sydney 2018? Social media just aint cutting it. Facebook? Make me 24/7 connections.

Chronobiology. The science of our body clocks must take into account the arbitrary aspect of the world as assemblage. 9 to 5 is not a historical inevitability. 9 to 5 is neither an economic inevitability if you're well-disposed and dig 24 hour shopping.

I have a problem with world time design. I can be unpunctual. My body clock would like the world time design to adjust. That my diverse chronobiology, my chronobiodiversity, aligns time with work.

Here I feel, who cares about the paternalistic and infantilising analyses like insomnia is wilful?

I gotta change the future of the day for myself. Designing my workaday world to my circadian rhythms. This is an art and a chronobiopolitical economy.

World? Where are you in time for me. When do you exist - friends commerce, works of the streets?

Perhaps spreadsheets have to get involved to map the open world to the time of my open eyes.

OK: Sleep diary 6am to 1.30pm. Mondays. Make a Monday world custom to my circadian rhythms. Weekday times as rhythmic. Life is rhythm here. Sleep diaries as most exciting material in this writer's body of work.

I even believe there is something out there called Rhythm Therapy fyi. Muh, therapy and the end point of normative health as homo economicus.

A metaphorical cheers as per usual: I raise a 2 litre bottle of coke and smoke to you, in the spirit of poet Frank O'Hara.

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