How to catch someone stealing food (written 23/12/2012)
First, go to the shop
then find someone wearing a long coat with deep pockets. Survey them from a safe distance.
Then you'll see them stuff their pockets and go for the most expensive food because if they get caught they might as well deserve the community service.
You might notice that they will get right under the cctv camera. They're thinking, a little deludedly, that the camera's angle is poor for direct descent, even though the darkened semi-sphere cctv camera casing suggests otherwise.
Then wait at a checkout exit and when your thief walks nonchalantly by the checkout operator into the home stretch
arrest him.
then find someone wearing a long coat with deep pockets. Survey them from a safe distance.
Then you'll see them stuff their pockets and go for the most expensive food because if they get caught they might as well deserve the community service.
You might notice that they will get right under the cctv camera. They're thinking, a little deludedly, that the camera's angle is poor for direct descent, even though the darkened semi-sphere cctv camera casing suggests otherwise.
Then wait at a checkout exit and when your thief walks nonchalantly by the checkout operator into the home stretch
arrest him.