Erotic Stream #6
If you ever find you've spilt sugar on your lap, tell me
swim through flowers and hook me your many low thrums and swishes...shake and grab me...elfie girl with your rum infused sponge cake sex
give me your sweating wellspring my rushing horse rider...the night brings
out my savage thrown to your reins like hoop rope
on a decking ship moored in a starry bay of palms
I am your dissolution, your ghost become real in absence, the image tolling like a bell in your earthy flesh...your breasts are like apples, your cheeks are the splendour of immense mountain ranges that an intrepid people call home, your bursts of outrage like empty peppermill grind
my hot breathing and hard arms are for your brimming joy.
Our love and care for each other is like a little nation of victories. Your geology swells for me like a delta of streams pulsating, making the world green
with glowing embraces...come to me like many rainbows become tangled human mi arco iris enredado humana
your gentle ways are stronger than spinning magic, your cosmic playfulness articulates, your honesty is binding like the drive of pilgrimage, your simplicity sparkles like the desert's entirety, your complexity is embedded with its unfolding equilibrium
your duration through time taps me on the shoulder with a spherical desire and tongue of lightning, your skin is a lion's gold and your eyes are the terrestrial dream of gems til the universe collapse
your duration through time taps me on the shoulder with a spherical desire and tongue of lightning, your skin is a lion's gold and your eyes are the terrestrial dream of gems til the universe collapse