Journeys in Molecular Drift #0 -

I keep seeing the same time! - All my networks are synched@synchronicity!!

Digital Clock Coincidences - do you keep getting 10:10, 11:11, 13:13:, 12:34, 12:12 or other such repeated digital clock readings? Do you believe in Spirituality? This links to digital sychronicity - Jung Talent Time

But I keep getting 9:35am - I can't figure it out and I don't want to be too alarmist.

My soccer mad friend John gets 3:15 but he is on a twelve hour clock.

The invisible hand of Darth Vader and Lord Invader - the dark ecology and history does exists by research (refer to previous post on Lord Invader music - rum and coca cola)

but the Matrix/Zeitgeist conspiratorialism and reading into digital synching and swimming? Read the links Zeitgeisters and check the time -

Safety, scissors cutting ghosts from the projector - cinema, kinema, movie stars,electric shadows, hooray for hollywood, sport, porn, arthouse, and the LSD audience. (shhh. I gotta pop out for a cigarette...)

Spawn - was Spiderman's arch enemy in 1980s and got his own series still going.
but Japanese comics broach Chomskyian linguistics and speculative technologies
whilst referring to literary traditions such as Italian medieval Romance poetry.
Looks more interesting than keeping up with Jonathan Franzen - without
taking anyway from him, except my Sunk Costs (google it - 2nd year Economics wimp)!

My sunk costs? that I don't live in a Double Story Terrace in leafy Sydney with a nerdy but
slim and stunning bisexual pale architect with designer horn-rim glasses and wears Poison perfume
wearing  Parisian Green and Marone outfits and fucks like a rabbit - especially with my mind, with
her eyes like abundant scratched rivers.

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