Journeys in Molecular Drift #0

Chapter minus 2 - resurface commences

The Latino tradition of mindfulness

The English meditation is derived from the Latin meditatio, from a verb meditari, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, ponder, meditate" - it's all Mediterreanean to me...

thinking happens - due to the Curse of Malinche and ecology - Latino thought is speculative, imaginative, magical, shamanic, pontificating, poetic and terrestrial - with a scientific expertise in biology.

contemplation - Roman Catholic, Masonic, ecological, herbal (and therefore hallucinogenic) sporting, drinking wine, sacerdotal, resistant. Liberation Theology to media-induced urban paranoia assuaged by soap operas 'tele-novelas'

devise - creating, art, literature, strategy, guerrilla warfare, paramilitarism, the orientalism of this is the Mexican stand-off, on the streets of Latin America it is pickpocketting, armed roadblocks (military or other organisations) and ambush... dams , capturing mega-ecologies to strut like cockerels from Dependency Theory - a reaction to Chicago Theory. Drinking Rum and Coca-Cola and working for the Yanqui Dollar

This is the real thing, not the Andrew Sisters, they got sued and lost, like we all know Suzie, yiah...

Ponder - artesanry, various astronomies (from scientific to poetic), heteropian nature including the Stellar Kinematic phenomenon of Runaway Stars close to Antarctica. I ponder that George Lucas should be sued for the name Darth Vader! ;)

Devising sauces - pebre with Australian mint - that sounds tasty.

Homeliness - garden variety, be it favela, to artistic or scientific home. Beyond that is US-Mimickry, "I wanna be white, cause that's powerful and I laud it over the Indians and darkies". The streets are fatal "surprises give you life and life gives you surprises"

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