Found Speech to Text: Supersymmetry as Ghetto

Just a tough fight star I kind of I heard I could do it again the undiscovered tell work came out all weapons what you do not more fire was was just right there were far I woes if I was a sum of several turns the 1st Jeremy me an ordinary scalar field the next Jan being offered on-field French stayed on and the last turn called at times they made

at their 1 favor tool are our yard think about these freed components of a super field fight side in the 3 components of a super hero of you plug back into a formula here and integrate with respect to the figures was integrating with respect to favors means means picking out Norwest terms of the expression when you multiply five-star times fight you will get a terms where Ford trader

 they the bar later bar when you multiply these together you would get a terms with 4 figures all together and you work it out carefully keeping track of the details what we found was that this became just ordinary action fora a scalar field an ordinary family on-field Aurora's gave rise actions which was the integral D X hot

what they have have partial or fire with partial by star with respect to x new partial try with respect x or that's just the ordinary Lagrangian June offers scalar field Barnett and keep track of detailed numerical factors receives before if we very back with respect the fire we would get a simple Klein Gordon equation next there was a turn sigh Va our Cigna derivative of Shiite that's just the client that's just be a Dirac or mass force firmly on we're Grosjean and finally there was another terms which was just at star white just star aft when you square sword multiplied by conjugate who get a turn at times of star later paid Paderborn made a bar

so that's also here that's all we got there and that was a starting point to remember what we ate to that In order to get some interactions and semester and so forth Sharon with said something that only involved society and not fire start for example fire square re-entered Samoa grungy or pursue program by squared for example now fi squared has no data bar dependents it only has stayed at the if we tried the integrated all 4 components of data we would give 0 3 0 a right thing to do with this case is just the integrated with 2 favors data talk be squared another oyster pick out the term of 5 squared which has to think so much I had to do that more generally we did this be effective it was to give us a mass for the particles such review from last time work it out in more generality instead writing fire squared here

I'm going to write any function of but before I do any function of far-right let's be a little more modest for moment and just take flight and power with later Iran can get together terms with different powers this is off a firmly jet fighter and we can an different ends and make a Taylor series expansion for a function as long as the functions Taylor series expandable so let's take fight and put back in he added Beta and see if we can figure out what kind of ordinary Lagrangian for the usual further fighting side and F come out of it this is not hard this is pretty easy but I have to do each time all over again because I get confused so let's just take a foggy class sigh data Frost F data and multiply it together in times RKO multiplied again and times 5 precise regular hours after they have faded multiple I'm up up up about 5 or sigh trader past F favor Amalie looking for Will looking for the terms which have 2 stages only terms which have to favors

Will be interesting because those only ones it survived when you integrated over fate so which cut terms is really only to turn this year only 2 kinds of terms nor was multiplication here which have to think it was the 1st comes said multiplying our product of societies with 1 F pick out 1 or the FCA and multiply but will remain 5 countries

such turns and my this and in terms of prepared this after complete this Africa because septic a brick any 1 of them and then multiply by all the remaining 5 Sasser terms

witches contains end times f times a fine to and minors more young vitally and minus 1 right a mere truck and then and that's important and fresh now but we just with Theo turned is that it is a term which is product our product of 2 sizes and all the rest 5 through size and all arrests 5 countries such terms are which is many times and minus 1 or 2 another year or 2 In times and minus warned or 2 the fight me and minus chill time Siad side Prime's side of something size and deadly you also have the air a complex conjugate so we also ever complex conjugate service book ever let write for you and a slightly different way what is aimed at times fight to be in minus warned yard where fight to ghetto a a a rare here it 1st of all a toe not.


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