Prose: Seroquel Pornstar by Ariel Riveros

The undecidable sparkle of neck to temple to mouth roof and hair over the eyes. The meteoric dust and the factory pharmaceuticals, all signatories observed. Take the risk lightly without boon or swearing on life support itself. Desiring sans topology welled once integral and enough for erosion as the daily calculations of life expectancy and to be just another dust raising soothe to see. Hold the egg, crack the egg. Even in this petrol thick homeostasis. Here a mood there a mood.

It's a drunkard study of who gets to live and who gets to lap. I'm not going to be more solid just because I could be held. My door is not vigilated. At last I let the outside side by me. Here I am in swarm. I am the one beauty for the moment. Some inspirers say that's push practice grade.

Guessing the prior illnesses of a seroquel pornstar because I don't electric the fire and I stay, I stay in shame. But in the derivations of cybernetic welling up of the eyes and familiarity with fluorescence I ambit a cheek of energy. This exhaustion has taken me places, and I'm gifted with individualism. I want this out but that's the bare skin of it.

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