Learning Diary: Formula for Change
In learning atm I derive back to Newton’s gravity or something in Ancient Greek base like Pi or pythagoras. The turn to philosophy, mysticism because Pythagoras cult and poetry is a thing.
so I’m down to what’s the formula for change? what’s the formula for difference? what’s the formula for reference?
what I’m wiki ing is there’s relative change and difference.
relative change to actual change Δ
relative difference to absolute difference d
so here, the actual and the absolute. the absolute value is its distance from zero like 0 to 5. The actual value is its presenting value like 2 is an internally consistent symbol of the quantity of 2 things and if two appears in 57290 then because of its place 2 means 200 so it’s base and floating concurrently re actuality.
im still chucking in “formula for“ because google responds well that. There’s no math formula for reference, actual and absolute.
Ackchually modal logic is actualism. And actuality has a cool continental version too.
reference i just get the act of pointing at something. Index index-finger indexicality Spidermans pointing each other
[There are two weaker forms of partial absoluteness. If the truth of a formula in each substructure N of a structure M follows from its truth in M, the formula is downward absolute. If the truth of a formula in a structure N implies its truth in each structure M extending N, the formula is upward absolute.
Issues of absoluteness are particularly important in set theory and model theory, fields where multiple structures are considered simultaneously. In model theory, several basic results and definitions are motivated by absoluteness. In set theory, the issue of which properties of sets are absolute is well studied. The Shoenfield absoluteness theorem, due to Joseph Shoenfield (1961), establishes the absoluteness of a large class of formulas between a model of set theory and its constructible universe, with important methodological consequences. The absoluteness of large cardinal axioms is also studied, with positive and negative results known.] - wiki