Pan'd-Emic Field Agent Notes by Bob W
Early on pandemic I had symptoms. Delirium was a sign. That latter was included in the symptomology. Other signs later included as symptoms were loss of sense of smell and taste. Other signs I had early on were two nights of tachycardia on 8pm. Circadian cycling. Now just trying to distinguish between delirium and clinical euphoria I get. Got the froat, the koff, the feva. Gotta wait for results or advanced prosyndromality. Whatevs n hope not.
I think about these things, not only because I'm bored and riffing here but to think aloud while surfing an earworm likely from tiktok cute psyop spirit of lei feng song and thinking on an eagle carrying a prey that was on horseback and might still be. All field agent spy stuff.
Temporary Autonomous Zone as MO.
Background colorimetry noise:
Hand sanitizer marinated steaks today. Maybe a shot of green detergent liquid like hotted on by ccru left. I'm fancy. Bleach is for suckers, soap is for NUM nanny wannabees.
R(0) is in vanishing set ℝ
Heading up to RPA covid testing again. Self decided this time. Patient Zero interaction with some taxi driver needing to have his lame ass ordinary man opinion heard! Just go to a tv station internet poll and fuck your lame ass travel-free-trade-no-kissing outside of kin plus take your own glassware to the bar based bullshit. Manganese munching bacterium is √I