Versors vs Verses by Ariel Riveros

dedicated affectionately to Collins street, Melbourne, Au

Non existence which is not death. 
Bayesian non philosophy. Zeroes all the way in a many value logic splendour thing electrochemical youtube. Loose light bulb idea. The coily coil mayn't be lit. If is then non-light. Belief-challenged is a thing. Pretend belief-challenged is a semi thing. A dark object. Under non-light condition. Ideas though. I'm a mirror text. Mirror though could be a conic. moving one. Spiiiiral mirror chiral choirance.

The Vault. Capital T and V. Lock. Security. Combinations. What if I said consciousness is a lie? Panpsychism, Vitalism is a great lie. Empirical truth is a lie, rationalism. Repetition and patterns, ok. Lie. Foldings unfoldings double helix lie. Multitopology. Aleph Null. No. Lie. And this speech bubble opened up a paragraphful of space for me to O. Mo. Maths overflow. Many Infinites. Factorials of. Incomplete. Insufficance. Machine incompleteness. Godel 1959 phenomenology and space.

Lie is a theorist surname.

I had a salsa session tonight. It was sorted. One of my dr phil of physics friends gets natural philosophical at transcendental zero. zillion axes shooting through xy graph zero point. Xyz 3d. Dimensions to the power M though. Descartes left the building but the vault though 

Image: Hopf Fibration

Image: one half integer spin. No entanglement. 720°

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