Flash Fiction: 8 Weeks a Day

Paul worked at a boutique real estate agency. He wanted to get ahead and worked hard at his leasings and sales. 

After hours he dedicated himself to practicing his bass. He hadn't played with a band for close to a year. He felt he had to get his chops up and get out there and audition for bands. 

With his amp sounding out around his home Paul involved himself for hours. Unconsciously he started missing days from work. 

After three weeks he headed work, suited up, hair waxed. The boss greeted him with a good morning and handed his day's files. 

Back home he took up his bass again. He felt he was improving. 

Eight weeks later Paul went to work. His boss gave him the day's files. His workmates said hi and Paul went through his work day. 

Paul made it a habit of going to work every eight weeks. Each time, his boss would hand him files and Paul would chat to his co-workers. 

Paul's bass talent solidified and his wage kept coming in.

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