A proximate eco-allegory

Anachrusis: Curacao Advocaat
Corazon Abogado
Couer, Chouer, Choir
string heart coil advocate.


It is often spoken
by Christian, Buddhist
French, Scottish and German

the codices of light

Mandela gospel sage hummed
'let it shine'

and I say

my light is from a turbine coal powered factory which illuminates my room, or the sun

in a matter of fact way,

and I am no owner of that light and there is no lease to it
I compart it by mandate and under it's diurnal everdayness

as a tenant of the paths and gardens where I live

with patience's common swell and political time through

may my light continue to stream from equal clean factories

principalled by struck mathematic from the diurnal habitat ever induced and the storage of solar labour through night

and the watch without time keeps moving, cycling, resting and shaping.

As between allegory and truth we pace and see.

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