Self-Diagnosing but it's me

From a lateral approach "the dream of the other" as anti-bwo say, is like me being stuck in the state legal and pharma bodily apparatus of psychiatry. Classical bind of you are fucked ie you're clinically unwell and the clinic is to all hippocratic standards incomplete and shit and only the clinic can do anything about it. I maintain such double binds are not straitjackets but bifurcative lines of flight where the alien must transfer and become a friend to the alienist to articulate movement even further and away from such a dream. I literally had a dream of someone else's dream a couple of days ago. I don't have to call my registrar Dr. They are Justin and I don't like it but that's the escape velocity and it appears to be working

I finally got diagnosis for what nearly killed me twice in 2015 at a noisy residence I dubbed The Petersham Sound Bubble. It was *toxin induced propriospinal myoclonus*. The description of horizontal wavy stripes moving around my torso matched to a tee including toxin a Lamogine pharma.

Looking forward to one day walking separate myself from the state MH. 

Something thought today though that in two years time I will have my last mh intake for disheveled public nudity. 

Or was that two years ago?

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