Consumer BDE field notes

Second rank shrink appointment: His face expressed an analytical and applied concern consistently. Qua mood it exploits association with angery. He asked me about  mental health. I responded with description of things I do lol. Why bother with phenomenology when population basis treatment and behaviouralism is the main frame. Tip: mental health doesn't equal your feelings or experience. Know this.

So I insult him saying that world gold standard lithium is so great at mass life expectancy reductions. And his churning but apollonian symmetrical face of chino pants patrimony gets the last heuristic condescend. "Do you know your way out?" I say yes.

Outside here I am in rain and blonde brick shelter. My redundant psychologist-case manager said they're thinking of dropping the fourth CTO. Let's see because when they do I'm not coming back. My way out though means I have to turn into some surgery coffee table magazine flipping doctor shopping pig because GPs can be a bunch of godbothering expert ethicists in life.

Addendum: the registrar couldn't access my blood test of six weeks ago. I requested that all registrars read their files before appointment. In session he also said he was going to measure my weight. He forgot. These are my notes on some trained guy talking to some random. Oh yeah he also did the network terrorism rank test. I asked for no psychodynamic, I still got it. Dr Chris, you're another deletion.

If you want to know what the network terrorism rank test comprises of you'll need to be in deep system or pay me 1k an hour. Knowledge held hostage while the pigs hold pursestrings.

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