Flash Phenomena

I'm unable to access funds from my local automatic teller machines. If I walk a few blocks from my place I can get access to my funds.

All I want is cigarettes. Is there a possible basic card biometric happening? It makes me think.

The whole facial recognition, biometric, mass online spectrometry plus psychometrics does make my head spin. You can read up on this online but no news on it on TV. Good news then.

My hypnogogy is that I view the screen, get some shuteye then have a brief wake to see I don't have a screen device in hand.

Last night I had a second brief rousing. On waking I saw my laptop screensaver scrolling down a jpg of moon/deep night. Much like one barrel of a poker machine. This isn't one of my screensavers so I got scared. I went to close my laptop screen but on reaching found it shut already.

I then went to get my phone to take footage of what to all intents and purposes was a rogue hologram. I got my phone in the dark but on turning around the moon descending hologram had gone. All that was left to look at was the beacon LED light at the base of the keyboard.

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