one informal speculation

what if I were to erase the notion of resistance from writing? That something of the world has to be improved? Some might say I am being apolitical here... On reading tidbits of Theodor Adorno's Minima Moralia....and the seeming ubiquity of agonism. I am definitely seeking a space to write in, a mix of the deconstructive third space, the generous tabula rasa of minimalism at erasure, the re-evaluation of music of spectrum and complexism....and again I think of Beckett....i map here a writing without ever returning to referentiality, that only hangs temporarily like abstraction.

Concrete poetry, and dadaist poetry does this, language poetry....i want the cleanliness away from text to music....ancient greece is the traditional sanctum and sanctuary, the precision and certain optimism of science is the recursion of this apollonian rule...where all I want is light and space....and the erasure of even these precepts....this doesn't mean darkness....for that is the other end of the line.

Tonight I don't even want geometry or plane not even wave, but the sonic portraiture of music, in words that never allude to this's a decadence to resist resistance or to not even acknowledge it...the closest first passing I think of is a translation of a writer's block.....without even mentioning this as engine...i want surface.

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