On the Alphabet

How line, circle and curve
cross the world
and bring our song
to it

by fish and hook
cattle and grasses
the plain and the pool

to catch a day's passage
to document a volume of night

to signify mouth and cup
fork and knife
the maw of a forest dweller
the blink of a planet up there

map to path, shape of horse
tail and rod
finger and mountain

in accompaniment
a lascivious yawn
and clicking of tooth

making connection
to me and that
that there

in case my body
couldn't describe
what it heard or saw

what it touched or tasted
to share and shared experience

and paleolithic disruption of peace

the great cat attacks
and one must call danger

or the strong man by name

or talk of itself

and create a counter in mathematic

delineating but never seperating

in case of abstraction break glass
and lose your head

words written in the corpuscle
and in the four chambers of a heart

transfering meaning at the interface of exchange and some will note

a loss of intention and originary meaning

as others will offer interpretation and a spiral staircase of libraries

little grapheme, etch, mark in the wild, the pre-art of society and the many

you were formalised in Phoenicia

but you came from a pulse
from some belt
some asteroid as germ or hand

and you speak your voyage immersed in air and species: life

and much like the universe
there is no prior

but I would like to add to your English twenty-six
with accompanying gloop

and make algebra into
a verbalised lexicon of sense

til vector makes epic

til theorem makes phraseology,

til your entire tone makes
a land of singular story.

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