Picking up found object from where I left off

Preface: Today is World Poetry Day. I found out on the day. My last poem 'Retrogerminate' was two years ago. The same time I caught my first case of Covid:

The principal of planting a seed such as a historical black&white broadcast to be harvested in the future to act as a temporal bridge is discussed by Jacques Derrida in their discourse on Telepoiesis — poetry at long distance. Poetry over time?

The repetition of a black&white thought-image returned around a week ago and somehow I feel this return to be resolution of sorts if not, a carbon-copy of rationality. 

I made a slip in search terms on the way. I typed in "telesemiotics" and got this

Maybe -semiology is a better affix in that I'm dealing with screens in my time as mental health patient for over 20 years.

An empire of premorbid signs

- pressured speech
- labile mood
- hyper-aroused
- get disorganised 
- noisy brain wot
- achromatic thought-image
- hearing voices and moving voices internally
- tangential and incomplete thinking and speaking
- knight's move thinking
- garrulous grandiloquence (not my hyperbole)
- intrusive thought-images like sunbursts through my body 
- traumatic catastrophising at the moment of psychosis 
- broken sleep
- return to achromatic thought over time via a linear recalibration through poetry and meds

            or something
 like Land's spinal catastrophe 
without the               histrionics and way too I am very intelligent conservatism. 
          We both share dancing but literally some of us                        are still Marxists 

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