Poem: Flyting the Flaite
You are so fat that not even the dystopic globe with its dogs all a distemper would fill you
You are so insane that not only does the rain fall just on your head but when it does rain it rains all around you and nobody else
You are so ugly that you strive to speak French but fail to kiss a word
You are so boring that coffee table books need another triple double espresso before their pages die of boredom; even in autumn
You are so poor that all you can scratch up are stables
You are such a dud fuck you couldn't make words come
You are so insecure that you take a little spellbook to your math clas
You are such a heathen that you think that's just fine
You are so cringe you make everyone cringe around you riding horses that themselves are cringing and the ground callopping on is cringing and the wind come a cringing their hair all cringing the falling off the gyyyymkhana guys all falling all all the place and their hurts cringing like you built a concrete simp city of cringe wroth called Cringeney
You are such a dick you do the opposite without meaning too and not even that brings you any success mindset or motivated reasoning for the prosperity gospel for your fat mad ugly boring poor dud dick stratagem that even I who can predict my foot going in a shoe cannot predict anything about your unfashionable shoes
You are so relentlessnessnessnesnesslessness that you read your pre-emptive text-drive sponsored by Australian Shepherd or China the Australian Shepherd or China the Brecht Third Space Theory pareidolia pedlar of Bidonium qualia computing meme group of banks just for fun and no bloody conspiracy behind it
You are so dead to me that we mumbled rap merry Christmas paper around your cold dead hands
You are supposedly the perfect man they say. Come back another time when we need you, say, like never
You are so old you think k-pop is ru ok, pop wellbeing icecream filler color scheme and got option for yacht rock suicide and sugaracc bot baes theorem for young and old or old/young propagation chronesthetic miscegenation
You are so garrulous polyglot multiclass accent languages that when you talk concrete to yourself the words make little lithium pathways in your skull and you still hear be dragons speaking and singing bullshit songs from the local mall playlist log
icr . it. y.nes e esn d seouhe local mall playlist logic
nb. had to edit bad faith cut and paste paragraph telomerase chop but left the last one in. Seoul or seo. I don't have it muh