PEN: Peer Espionage Narrative and the Papers
My commie peer support worker, who currently I fondly consider as the stasi, is coming over. Obviously to take notes but I will countersqueeze them for info on the Victorian mental health royal commission - a win for our sociologists and therefore I'm unconvinced. A kind of marxist embrace but without the dated hug without notice.
The commie peer support worker stasi agent was in tow with another agent. I confronted them with the preceding paragraph here.
They coughed up something unexpected. Co-documentation. I have the right to ask for any information I give, and I take this to mean appearance, appearance of mood and behaviour as well, to not be noted. This also includes if I spill the beans of not complying, hypothetically. They were cognizant of a role they played in something called a panopticon. Peer workers of the world, start by disclosing on co-documentation.
This counterespionage thing is a doddle