NDIS Review and Getting a Society

I'm going to live in a society. Even if I'm at shiny gutter lip of the lit up central business district. Simulacra posthumanii 

The NDIS is doing their annual review. What do you want? they ask

1 A exercise guy who's a boxing coach who takes me to suburbs out there I used to frequent. I got this already.

2. Someone to deal with endless state and ngo, admin and legal paperwork, including uni admin

3. A salsa dance partner as well as art gallery museum cicerone and live music social company.

4. A guitar jammer, teacher/learner.

5. A total maths nerd delphic oracle support.

All the speculative health field stuff starts off with an appointed occupational therapist including sensory integration therapy. No one knows about the near Infrared Photobiomodulation in Australia. There's no case studies for my profile. 

I will guinea pig it with a GP if and only if it shows signs of working. I bought the tech today from Tasmania

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