Informal Theory: Dinosaur Sex and the Corporate Co-option of Creativity
Creativity as a sensual word has transformed to a corporate co-option. Maybe ridding it off psychoanalysis is a good thing regards Jung and the archetypal who for some is a linguistic etymological monacle to view socio material existence. But it temporalised in the name of corporate scientific management. The kenotype, creativity form but not going back in time but immediate in quiddity. In motion. A temporal generated space. A lifeform process and produce not a theatre like archetypes but create a kind of transparent systemic or autopoeisis that develops to extimacy as generative of truth product. Anyone who doesn't hold analogy under an arm has no claim to poetry even if it may no longer exist. Or is dropped off in the 20th century like jazz. Oneiric is great home aesthetic lol. The neutrality of the line. That elegance of library of babylonia. Petrol engines. Fossil fuel bauhaus dimension. Dinosaur sex on public cul de sacs and circuits of FarmVille as car crash wasteproduct of monero cryptocurrency. The time crystal, fugit, what happened to that frozen flow? Epiphenomenon of thin ice suits crystallizing hugged on hot surfaces like Venus and any mercury mistake forbidden. Rotating a crystal of time, the universe in every facet and lattice at distinct angle.