*moiré: #reteme

flemoire: my first natural fear was a dragonfly zuzzing around pink blossom tree of the rugby goalpost frontyard

Easter island moai hacked #ebenezer jes!

cisc!shutwot? melos nauporeia kalinychthemera dys is torniquet I'll surrender DMT DMZ denouement detournemente
asthenosphere sudanea
cryptosporidiumnnity soc.

m.au/books?id=9kJQAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA336&lpg=PA336&dq=praxis+rto&source=bl&ots=XHNxjONJAZ&sig=d0lenHaKE4gr6yEUzcLJxGs8HrY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivg-eoqcfZAhVFu7wKHc7TAIQ4ChDoATADegQIAhAB#v=onepage&q=praxis%20rto&f=false. honestg. It's flake. Warring Freud on horse.derridapluswittgensteinveryquietinmonotremegallery.umbertoeco.hyperww.xGwar.[∆egory-theory] 
ku: I just got bots using my first name plus bot. One of 'em is shipping co. lol not Aristotle Onassis plimsol line but e-merlins-flotilla. merlin is small yacht. Y-axis vertical integration. No multifunnels for me lol I like baguette but I don't hoard plastic bags as pattern reading but ok. hx. cuba libre, 0-resistance.capacitor. digital fogdog yea t=00:00affine. mxl. e: CU+auntsgtcandelaria
occitanesidereal✓^ qwertypoes? ascii anything. rosa Luxembourgish. Genetic testing suggested at my LHD for me. Part of a shared metaheuristics. As "czar" this is my instagram e_gene_lab. Found objects, derivés, conceptual hyperphysics, languages, m"emex (for the lolz) curiousity phreaker for fun. E-MHS and pre-emptive text said RR. Interesting acronym. reteme or retome. retimegene as b-chronotype chronosthesia. temporal synaesthesia. affect bipolar transists as a life science. Had been assisted by my hypertext transfer protocol, "secure", and the sweet world wide web. the old alt net, subnet, dark web. Touched by it all. So a "hypothesis" is remote touch occurs by human charge and the crystallography I'm working with is lithium base. The medical model touchstone. I can do without it in this case but smartphones and LCD devices are not inherently remedial imo whoda thunk? I'm qualified to teach a class. Mentor for me to RPAH [a priori e:] and my "undervoice" as qwertyhum (when I type)
univocality achievable. unilocality, unispatial, unitemporal especially considering time as differential like Simone de Beauvoir and medical category Framington's Heart Age.

whiskey tango firefaux, e-me acronem-e. ward the four? phonemics alphasonics, data deficiency, #endofschizophrenia isn't just a zig zag topoi away ; ) webcrush with diagrammatics as a k-space imaging. ecomodulation though is the farce or error of tics or as a colleague quipped @SophiaMonday sapienta in astronauporeia.  bu' we like to educe butterflies. I also acknowledge many other peeps on this. cf. Cytochrome P460. Soz turing at LHC swyuruguay. Found object A408 not found in lau collision. colour wolf tree thorn. TAFE hippie say skills. I oppose and am opposable. Also rotatable and shakeable. Star59.com.IP.Exosphere.gottaeatsomellier. onedoesnotliveongraymoonsredindigosunsetsalone.lasers.crystallographimoiré] My understanding of rete algorithmic is something akin to the time it takes to write an update as original content. Memes are the retention of thought in image. Deleuze may  have condensed the layers here to thought-image as a problematic to detangle towards a countercultural Kant of pure thought lol. Their notion of pure memory is far more lucid in a world of duration. Images I like.

Walt effusive. dyswellbringe.
I categorise myself, and sing myself. Non-writer, non-poet, non-author, non-human, non-man, non-one, non-standard non. That's an L-system fractal of crystapticon and as such, non-natural philosophy and forbidden e-physis.

Sydney Harris apparently upstairs. fringe, cringe. Harbour bridge, fridgecricket.
 I categorise myself, and sing myself. Non-writer, non-poet, non-author, non-human, non-man, non-one, non-standard non. That's an L-system fractal of crystapticon and as such, non-natural philosophy and forbidden e-phusis.

remoiré: multiple snippets of heard street talk: They're from Taiwan, oh nan, finally. Bond, they got a bomb, they're snappy, cher it's--there armour tripper, hain, double-chain, all for a music that's missing us or adelaide don't try five bucks [change] in Darwin, black projects, cis what's she saying, all this time they're Serbian, actually light plane, gare together in Newtown. Softer ducts investment, I told his policy, India, it's crazy, komban right now.

This what I categorise as e-mhs. The virtual as remedial web engineering "materiel" qua mass spectrometries. Letting you know again that I've opposed my CTO extension locally #nuplication


Extended memory. double helix or superfold. Glass man, lanikaea supercluster or the watch that flew off my wrist gifted to blakwork. pre-columbian america=atlantis. *s*iderem. sorry the drink was #mistela paragonia terror del fuego. parrhesia

Lyapunov palimpsest E-MHT. Come back Brendano, sorry running late for the latour aime project. egressed: gnostic psychosis. bellin! even found the cap. hvn, tessellation, transnaut.indochine. sm lol sw lol lw lol uff. category chomsky deep yeah universal? sure, have a ebent horizon, black hole, heat whim per, czsiro. D'harawal don't you forget it. 1996 wasp came away from orchid dy/dx malpaiyüen.home.casio given back to vinnies. G Suite deletions thiamine thiacene. tim weights for no tam. taz just walked in #wetfoot bak bak speed camera bump foot asphalt last night. Lived experience.
.sgm: tāmoiré

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