Uchromia | Pace on Earth - philofiction

Seated on a hard park bench they were talking about news articles. Back and forth. Passing by from another conversation I came from I heard some funny repartee between these four on the bench. My phone was dead so I approached to ask the time. One said it's 1.30. The one on the left said "hard day? You look like you could do with a scotch"

"Nah. I'm good" The other three smiled friendlyly at me. I made my way. On leaving I heard a more banter. "What do you mean he looked stressed? I thought he looked loose!"

"No, for a split second he looked at three o'clock. He just needed confirmation."

"You talking about that guy who just went?"


I'm on a bus and one of the people in the cinema audience walks on carrying blue hardcase luggage. She takes a seat and I return back to my phone. In a couple of wheel revolutions she says "hey how are you? You were at the movie."

We have a bubbling dialogue about the film
It made me smile and then we repaired back to ones seat and transit.

That may be gruff as narrative. After the very conversation end I felt awkward and my torso wobbl'd boogaloo. My self-consciousness magnetised to awkward as it rippled, de-creasing. Till resolution of immirror desire. The lake was flat and silver. Flautistry. the quakes of the elements walk my body.

The curve of the floor or ceiling. Concave with sentences confiding in me. Before the matting of host of the house questioning meets its whittling.


Lying supine in a bed. Options. So is it yes no or maybe and the tiny infinities between these three mongrels? Not entering the decision at all was the loophole. Not opting in is not equal to opting out.

We are working together. This is not necessarily a time machine or Gutenberg drug. The transform of reading is not just you and this word. Not only a conduit or a pleasurable side partner. My pre-emption here will include molecules of darkness. Yes I imagine you first. You are a few people though an unidentified voice just murmured the word "darkness" to me when I typed the word "side" four sentences ago.

You're getting close. The external voice coming in to me from some mountain to shore I relate to you. I would dearly love it if you could zoom up that mountain to meet it. Meet it with me.

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