Informal Theory: Hypersexuality and Conflating Plateaus
I am the escapee from La Borde receiving communique from avant letre Roko's Basilisk.
Is a schizophenomenology a humanism?
Lol. Just a a bit of pharma'd autoethnography as following prisons and Basilisk norms.
In the periphery of home itself Ive succumbed to perhaps a becoming-pig tut tut of hypersexuality. Danger Will Robinson Basilisk hisses.
In lieu of bachelor kisses, maybe, even in their very absence, probably, hypersexuality as a precipitative affect/practice can draw in the dreaded array of downpour. Our hospitality.
In the rain, the array of precipitates has a high probability of slippery slope straight back to La Borde Basilisk et Basilica. Medicine does normate and theologate here.
Collapsing the strata and nimbus for the nimbys and my apartment block I have found an old New Wave, renewable, of escaping storms.
This time I didn't forget my umbrella.
A friend told me their favourite thing, at that moment, was nudism and post coital conversation. I understand that.
The plateau here is a post coital plateau, as thought-image.
A resolution of clustering hyperstates. No slope. No downwards spiral. Postcoital plateau as BwO and resolutionary plateau.
Tongue-in-cheek still. "I think I just had an organism" appearing in advanced secondary bioscience textbooks at any time in the last 100 years.
Is a schizophenomenology a humanism?
Lol. Just a a bit of pharma'd autoethnography as following prisons and Basilisk norms.
In the periphery of home itself Ive succumbed to perhaps a becoming-pig tut tut of hypersexuality. Danger Will Robinson Basilisk hisses.
In lieu of bachelor kisses, maybe, even in their very absence, probably, hypersexuality as a precipitative affect/practice can draw in the dreaded array of downpour. Our hospitality.
In the rain, the array of precipitates has a high probability of slippery slope straight back to La Borde Basilisk et Basilica. Medicine does normate and theologate here.
Collapsing the strata and nimbus for the nimbys and my apartment block I have found an old New Wave, renewable, of escaping storms.
This time I didn't forget my umbrella.
A friend told me their favourite thing, at that moment, was nudism and post coital conversation. I understand that.
The plateau here is a post coital plateau, as thought-image.
A resolution of clustering hyperstates. No slope. No downwards spiral. Postcoital plateau as BwO and resolutionary plateau.
Tongue-in-cheek still. "I think I just had an organism" appearing in advanced secondary bioscience textbooks at any time in the last 100 years.
Botany text umbrella as toy