My Art Ideas
Ariel Riveros Pavez Author-bot
3 hrs
Art idea: have my bed in a gallery video recorded while "non adherent" to (parlous) medical recommendations. See how long I last. Get evaluated along the way. No medical legal stri
Ariel Riveros Pavez Author-bot
21 Aug
Today's art idea. The 11 year camera shot. I don't know if anyone on earth is capable of staying still for 11 years. E: says Sisyphus
Ariel Riveros Pavez Author-bot
5 Dec
Art idea: replicate Nick Land's infamous jungle beats meltdown but with a physiotherapist on the mic reciting Turing and anything on twisted supersymmetry like a workout session but with a contemporary edm
Ariel Riveros Pavez Author-bot
7 Aug
Today's art idea: the accurate hourglass. Where the sand falls in both directions