
for the nicknamed known as the Cape Barron Goose

First circle -
this is where
you are shielded

Then cross.
This is where
you move to go.

Here the belief
in solution
makes transcendent.

The moat keeps baying
at your mother's house
and you are a Constantine.

War makes writing safe.
The script, the hand in
graphic midswing, safe.

The following godheads
ensures others' blood is spilt
so you can have light

on your own. Here you are
part of the grass and
fat with chlorophyll.

Your words take guarantee
to be photosynthesis
for the white whole of wound

that delivering in might
and oodles of copy pasted lessons
will give the fear of

the mutation of right.
That you're not dead
surprises the you

Of the last years.
Of who to fuck
And what pinup to emblem

In the upper reaches
of idea and the gob
made full by

origin. Keep pissing
out the obsession
and the tightening divine.

I wouldnt say it's easy on you
as kindness comes cast back
to you because your jaws

have not tired
but the muscles sadden
and the western horse

running is fever
for sexed secrets tabled
when you live behind walls.

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