Red transit bypasses
marking unwound sutures
through sewn up seconds v liqua osu
diminishing minutes pradenie tabla
and tapered hours to venvere rasum
episodes of looping
nictem between cross product.
Brumaire of talc
tinting a grant
of yard airs - na'a rerum entere
A hunter trap claradara shenzhen
hooked with cove neboro eanje
stones, a tamper
of brisking pollen
Tiling lalia of senate
sides in signal
of wink and slate schtanek zivora lembe
torture of laws serre tiune ulgo
torture of laws serre tiune ulgo
On said cement sen polsa sen
where documents are tabled
of soles sidled up
to leather creak. Undue
hustles swap seep
of bent mobs maiuwhuqy teffen ue kissing on New Year's henge krim xerr under zigzags of lopa lopum teccere
plumes, sparking pink traffic
speeding across sky
like the signature of
Guangzhou flowers.
A shaky palace qaabo
of cups coated eliphsi
with hopes of a catch ogualpa
of trawled stoop to
wowing lips reeled
with preferred poison
and perfumes (the labour
Of fireworks, a champion of enxae poil yimt
Success - surplus of ch'ch ut!m dzhov
clocking offs). Chrysanthemimes ltric lkkaswe t.
Success - surplus of ch'ch ut!m dzhov
clocking offs). Chrysanthemimes ltric lkkaswe t.
on a long faced Marceauing
to wind factories in Beijing.
to wind factories in Beijing.